Well said, David. The arc of openness trends toward darkness.

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Interesting that you mention Arizona after writing about the school funding issue in Iowa. AZ has long had state funding for private charter schools and a check of the record would demonstrate a cautionary tale.

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Thanks, Jim. I’ll check that out.

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Dave: How I wish others would share your story with others. The authors of the recent book How Democracies Die opine on the importance of institutional forbearance defined as not doing something just because you can. Former Iowa Republican State Representative Walter Tomenga never, in all his legislative service, voted to suspend the rules of the House even when moved by his own majority party. The rules, he said, were there to protect the voice of the minority, the endurance of the majority, and the public's respect for the legislative process. AMEN "brother" Walt. Brice Oakley

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Exactly. We think it can’t happen here.

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Very good article addressing a deplorable subject . When does it end?

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Becky, I’ve always believed the political pendulum will swing back. Perhaps those in power now will overreach and Iowans will figure it out. It’s also going to take the IDP getting it’s act together, raising serious money, building a bench of strong candidates, and figuring out how to appeal to rural Iowa. It’s a tall order.

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Dave... thank you for the spot on analysis of what happened in the first 3 weeks of this session. Shock, disbelief, anger and a sense of being abandoned by all decency, by what we expect of our legislators to take the highroad, and by any signs of legislative fairness are feelings experienced by many of us this week.

Our democracy is for the people – ALL the people, not just those bent on manipulating processes to insure they remain in control.

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Trudy, it feels like we have a state government representing one-third of Iowans. I wish I knew the answer.

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As I read this my anger grew and just like Rekha and Julie I ask, what has happened to my Iowa? I grow restless wanting to do something, to make others move and do something - but what? I don't know what to do. We need change just not the changes these people are doing. How can anyone think this is right?

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A smart comment sent to me by a friend I respect: “Power is supposed to be subject to rules. Increasingly, rules are subject to power.”

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Another excellent column, Dave. The fact that the Iowa Governor is not giving regular press briefings pretty much says it all.

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Indeed it does, Amy.

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Sharing each other's writings and insights is doable thru sharing on our person social media accounts (planting sustainable seeds of change is what I call it, realizing FB or T posts are not going to immediately change one's mind, or convince a Trumper to support Biden over night.

Dave wroter: "there does not seem to be any political price to pay. The internet has allowed politicians to talk directly to their base and bypass traditional media sources." Regarding price to pay, there also does not seem to be any moral price to pay (do dishonest politicos get shamed out of their religious institutions, or do corrupt elected officials have consequences from fellow workers at work places, or community areas). Regarding talking to base ("preaching to the choir"), I am reading Rebecca Sonit and hold out hope for opening up minds.

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Ralph, tell me about Rebecca Sonit. Is it Solnit?

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Thank you, Dave. You wrote a very good article. She was on a mission and did not care about the process. Sad. Those dollars should have been directed to the public school system. But as Reynolds said she supports students not systems. Well Governor, it is the system that supports the students and it needs additional funding.

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I agree wholeheartedly! I'm not a journalist or experienced politician, but I certainly smell something rotten in the State House. I'm left with the helpless feeling of a child in the hands of a bad babysitter.

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All legislative records (not just text messages) are exempt from Iowa's open records law already. It's so challenging to figure out what is happening behind the scenes.

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I wasn’t aware of that. But not surprised. Thanks for the additional info.

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"Just because you're on the right track doesn't mean you won't get hit by the train." Mark Twain


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Good for Republicans! Finally standing up to Democrats and beating them at their own game. Bullies hate to be bullied, you know what I mean Dave?

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Without any specifics, no, I don’t.

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On Nov. 21, 2013, Senate Democrats exercised the so-called “nuclear option” to abolish the filibusters of nominations they had pioneered a decade earlier.

I could cite several examples of which house Dems introduced bills 3,000+ pages long and given next to no time to read the bill, let alone understand the bill.

You’re responding to someone who knows Dems and Republicans alike are rotten to their very core and not working for the American people. Two wings of the same bird.

Both parties f*cked around and now their finding out that We The People have had it up to our necks and are done with it. Writers that “carry the water” for either party are complicit in all the bullshit that has gone on in this country for decades, at the minimum. No one trusts the media anymore than we trust a politician or gas station sushi.

Public schools are broken in many parts of the country and our state. I was public/government school educated as were both of our sons. I, myself, am happy for the families that have been given the incentive and option to choose other educational opportunities.

The message to public schools is, fix the problem and create a better project and families won’t have to decide to leave.

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