The Statue of Liberty looks out and sees her dim unity

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I'm suggesting, tongue-in-cheek, that the United States imposes a mandatory new high school class - Propaganda Analysis. There are apparently tens of millions of us walking the streets who's BS detectors are broken. I shouldn't be shocked but I continue to be. And with this new class, allow me to also force the Fox News' of the world to occasionally help the uninformed electorate by clearly calling out falsehoods during prime time viewing hours. There is a difference between spin - used by all pols - and outright lies - patented by Dear Leader.

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Rod, good suggestion. Also include CNN and MSNBC as well as the lies of liberal politicians. Niether political party is without sin. As Democrat Robert Kennedy said decades ago, "The only difference between Democrats and Republicans is the name of the party." It was not a compliment.

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Steve, I respectfully disagree that both sides do it, at least not at the same level. I’ve covered politicians all my life and understand run-of-the-mill hyperbole will happen. But outright lying, distortions and trying to re-write history has been taken to new heights ever since Trump hit the stage. You can start with his lying about Obama’s birth certificate, right through lying about the size of his inaugural crowd, to trying to manipulate the narrative around January 6th, right up to last night’s stream of outright, blatant falsehoods. I’m not aware of any Democrat who does anything close to that.

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Ralph and Dave, I’ll respond to both of you in this single note. We disagree about whether the current national Republicans are more deceitful than Democrats.

I cast a write-in vote in 2016 because I considered both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton bad for America. Although conservative, I voted for Joe Biden in 2020—as the lesser of two evils. This year, I’ll again write in the name of my preferred candidate rather than pick between Donald Trump-J.D. Vance or Kamala Harris-? I find them all lacking the qualities America deserves. And, Dave, my opposition to Trump reflects some of your opinions.

Paul, my two favorite Iowa governors were Republican Robert D. Ray and Democrat Harold Hughes—two extremely respectable politicians and decent individuals. When I covered the Iowa General Assembly in the early 1970s, I saw legislators from both parties work well together. We don’t have public servants like that today.

As I follow video debates in today’s Iowa legislature, I hear intelligent, proposed amendments from Democrats to Republican bills and I say, “Republicans, accept that idea; it improves the proposal.” Then I’m disappointed by the GOP rejection. And I have little respect for the current national leadership of both political parties.

Dave, I avoid serious political conversations with my liberal friends because I want to keep them close. I avoid serious political conversations with my conservative friends some of whom are much less moderate than I.

Thank you both for this exchange.

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I'm astounded and saddened how the press treated four days of lies, exaggerations and not-so-veiled hatred at the RNC. To most of the MSM, this was a love fest. A king's coronation. To me and many other Americans who base their views on reality instead of fiction, it was a train wreck. Thankfully, I was able to look away, as it truly made me sick to my stomach. Dems have very little time to get it together. Despite the calls to avoid hyperbole that some say incites violence, it's hard not to say that Democracy is on the ballot in November. Choose wisely.

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Mark, the GOP and Democratic Party hold these quadrennial parties for the purpose of stirring up the party faithful. One month from now the same will be on display by the demos. They are virtually identical to sports coaches spouting bromides about their teams. I'm a retired journalist who has heard it all from sports to politics. Just go with the flow.

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Trump's very own "platform": The biggest, the most, the first, the best and the smartest guy in the room.

Question: Will he expand or will he eliminate high school rifle classes and clubs? The same kind the shooter was denied "membership" in because he was a terrible shot.

And will high school gun club competitions expand or be shut down? On Trump's first day in office? Along with all the other "common sense" things he plans to do.

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I’m a political junkie so I watched the full speech. Yes, it was typical Donald Trump at times—that’s what his supporters expect. The best thing for the Democrats will happen in a matter of days as the focus turns to the Kamala Harris Democratic National Convention (DNC) after Joe Biden withdraws-- purportedly for health reasons ( claiming a long covid recovery I susspect). The demos have much to do: in one month having her make a major speech after Biden leaves, selecting the VP (lots of contenders) and organizing a convention as enjoyable and supportive of her as the GOP was of Trump. Speaking of lies, yes, in her speech, she will tell some embellished whoppers about the Biden Administration. All political candidates play the same game. And what a new game shortly for the media and American public.

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Steve, as a retired elected official–politicians use hyperbole, exaggerate, and distort the truth, like many humans do. When I talk with my Republican, independent and more conservative friends and family, I (try to) offer examples of how MAGA and Project 2025 are different from the Republicans I worked with –Project 2025 is serious about destroying our futures as a free country. I did not worry about the future of Iowa and our country when the R's under Branstad had the trifecta. Pendulum swings in politics is normal in a democracy. Project 2025 and MAGA want to eliminate the pendulum, too.

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Ralph and Dave, I’ll respond to both of you in this single note. We disagree about whether the current national Republicans are more deceitful than Democrats.

I cast a write-in vote in 2016 because I considered both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton bad for America. Although conservative, I voted for Joe Biden in 2020—as the lesser of two evils. This year, I’ll again write in the name of my preferred candidate rather than pick between Donald Trump-J.D. Vance or Kamala Harris-? I find them all lacking the qualities America deserves. And, Dave, my opposition to Trump reflects some of your opinions.

Paul, my two favorite Iowa governors were Republican Robert D. Ray and Democrat Harold Hughes—two extremely respectable politicians and decent individuals. When I covered the Iowa General Assembly in the early 1970s, I saw legislators from both parties work well together. We don’t have public servants like that today.

As I follow video debates in today’s Iowa legislature, I hear intelligent, proposed amendments from Democrats to Republican bills and I say, “Republicans, accept that idea; it improves the proposal.” Then I’m disappointed by the GOP rejection. And I have little respect for the current national leadership of both political parties.

Dave, I avoid serious political conversations with my liberal friends because I want to keep them close. I avoid serious political conversations with my conservative friends some of whom are much less moderate than I.

Thank you both for this exchange.

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Building upon your essay and comments by readers, our country needs summer school classes to improve our abilities to critically read and articulate news, views, and policy positions. But, Iowa legislators are going in the opposite direction, directing which courses and topics can and cannot be taught. One bill would have prohibited teaching/learning parts of our history that would have put America in a bad light. Yes, our BS detectors are broken–Reynolds and others are aiding and abetting this ignorance.

We also need to learn how to offer and receive criticism as individuals, family members, or in social groups (from religious entities to social clubs). Social media remains unfortunately a perfect environment to facilitate cheap shots and thin skins.

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Excellent way to put it, Ralph. What has happened to people’s BS detectors? It’s shocking that so many people are buying his BS. I think some of it is either a failure of journalism, or simply that Americans no longer put the work in to be informed citizens. Probably some of both.

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The true climate scientific community is very divided as to whether CO2 contributes to global warming. If you only listen to one side, you get ignorance

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Hi Dean,

I'm curious where you get this information. I would like to learn more. Thanks!

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Simply google “two sides of climate debate” and decide what research you believe.

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No thanks, it's not on me to cite your sources. 😀 Have a good day.

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Any statements made by Trump PALE IN COMPARISON to the seven year daily onslaught of false, degrading statements made about him by CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC and hundreds of media contributors like you. Fess up, my mother would say - tell the truth. It will set you free.

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