I'm so hopeful! Potentially the first woman and Generation X president. It's about time!

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A resounding “YES!” Thank you Dave Busiek! for a succinct, clear-eyed view in a substack sea of hyperbole!

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Thanks, Chris.

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After all this, an age limit seems like a good idea.

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An age 69 limit would take us to the current Biden-Trump scenario. A Kamala Harris age 59 feels like a strong signal that we're continually bridging generations. They love their own grand parents and great grandparents, but how many twenty and thirty year olds can get excited about their GPs crafting supportive ways for them to live their next 60 years?

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I agree, Jane. For SUPCO justices, too. An age limit exists for Iowa Supreme Court justices at 72. Seems appropriate.

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“The Trump base would vilify Jesus Christ himself if he ran as a Democrat.” Spot on!

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I get so tired of the constant, belittling attacks. It cheapens our country. And yes, I certainly agree both sides do it but it seems like it’s Republicans’ first instinct to demonize the other side.

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You should be a carpenter, Dave, cuz you always nail it.

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Thanks, Mark. The pen is mightier than the hammer!

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I love how you put into words many feelings I have today. Appreciate you and your part of the Iowa Writers’ Collaborative.

Who knew, when Julie started this group, that it would become such a beacon of hope and democracy. 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

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As a conservative, I would comment more. But let's just let the voters decide rather than the media and their pundits.

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I think that’s how it works although there are actually some that believe if their side doesn’t win it’s rigged! Can you imagine that?

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Rod, although I'm a Republican, I never have supported Donald Trump. His claim that the 2020 election was rigged is nonsense. The truth is that more Americans voted for Joe Biden than Trump. Period. Thanks for your reply.

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I first learned of the news when Julie's column appeared in my email yesterday so then I turned on the TV news broadcasts. The first reaction I had was relief. I didn't even realize how anxious I was. I knew I would support Joe Biden, but now I happily support Kamala Harris. My preference for her VP would be Amy Klobuchar, but I doubt the masses would elect a two-woman ticket. My second choice would be Pete Buttigieg but I'm not sure everyone is ready for him either. Both of them are wonderful VP material, though.

Thanks so much, Dave, for writing with a clear head and encouraging the media to do the right thing.

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Andrea, relief was my first emotion, too, as in thank god he finally came to grips with reality. I think Klobuchar would be great. That’s who I moved to after Harris dropped out in 2020. She’s whip smart.

But I think, sadly, the VP pick has to be a straight white guy. I’m not proud of thinking that. There are too many people in this country for whom voting for a black woman to be president will be a stretch. Adding another woman or a gay man to the ticket will just be a bridge too far for some voters. And I say that feeling like Pete or Governor Whitmer would be outstanding as either President or VP. The priority has to be on a ticket that will beat Trump. It’s similar in my mind to Biden in 2020. I think a lot of Democrats weren’t that enthusiastic about him (he wasn’t even viable in my caucus) but it became apparent his record and his decency could win.

I will probably catch flack for saying what I said above, and maybe rightly so. I simply see it as a political reality.

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You might get some pushback, but you are only being realistic. While some of us are living in the modern world, too many still live in the early 1900s. Not everyone is ready for anyone who is not a straight, white man. And like you said, we have to have the strongest ticket possible to beat T.

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I'm not going to give you flack for voicing a realistic fear, but I do want to inject a reason for optimism about Buttigieg as an option: at my 2020 caucus, a couple I know who were Mormon Republicans (still had a Romney sticker on their car) caucus for Buttigieg. To be clear, they believe the "homosexual lifestyle" is sinful. But of the options, they felt Buttigieg was a good Christian and the best potential leader. I was very surprised by that. But people are more complicated than you'd think, and maybe being gay isn't the deal breaker you'd think.

I don't know if I like Buttigieg as an option for VP, but I don't want people to automatically count out a family man who wears his faith on his sleeve.

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Kelcey, thanks for your input. If Pete were the nominee at the top of the ticket, I would be ecstatic. He is a bright, shining star. My point was simply I’m not sure he’s the VP pick to go with Harris at the top of the ticket. Yes, I’m using the “what other people might think” as my rationale and that kind of thinking has oppressed diverse candidates forever. It’s the same as saying “now is not your time. Be patient.” I recognize all of that. I was reluctant to express it. Sadly, I feel it’s a political reality.

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It is, it is.

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Each of us can say things others think but can't...like "white guy." That's also the nature of politics. It can be exhausting to parse sentences and "listen" for what's not being said. Thank you for straight talk, Dave. No flack from here!

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He wasn’t viable in our Caucus in 2020 either ….. or in 2008 (I was one of Two that year, had to join the crowd with HOPE!! :-) which I have again now!

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Not so true, actually. Check out the CBS poll numbers 68% across the board support a black woman for president. Obama broke the black barrier. The woman barrier does not seem that strong either. Salvado does great polls and dug up some good info.

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Polls were on Face the Nation on Sunday 8-3.

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Harris/Kelly would be a great team. Great stuff Dave!

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That's what drives me nuts.

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We’ll see. I think the door is open more now to focus on Trump’s verbal meanderings and age. It’s only fair.

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JD Wentworth must be happy with his endorsement…..

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One more thing, have you ever noticed how quickly presidents age while they are in office? I've noticed that of most of them. I'd hate to see Joe Biden go through that anymore. It has to be the most stressful job.

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The Bloated Yam hasn't had a coherent thought since he noticed that little Suzy in his eighth grade class was wearing a bra.

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Another in a series of excellent articles, Dave. An additional item, or two, to mention about Trump. Forget his age, or his rambling stream of insults and lies, he is a rapist, insurrectionist, fake, racist narcissistic felon (Vance, McConnel, Rubio, Cruz and countless others had it right before they sold their souls) supported by Grassley and Ernst and numerous other "Republicans" who know better, but have abandoned principles and patriotism for power. They have created the cult monster they now have to live with, until they can no longer look into their mirrors in the morning to see what they have become.

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Mr. Lerner's comments raise some further questions. Where was our Republican delegation during Trump's false 2014 birther lies or when he descended the escalator in 2016 and stereotyped all nonwhites? Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I do not recall any R critique of Trump's mean-spirited comments, such as when he mocked people with disabilities. Our Republican delegation could have said anything diplomatically, but I recall only silence. The same goes for the Hollywood tapes.

Democrats will not be off the hook either. I'm sure Harris will misspeak or otherwise say something ill-timed or wrong. Harris supporters will have to be forthright in bringing this to her attention, and she and her staff must be receptive to the feedback. In contrast, I have felt that the Biden team and the DNC have built more walls in recent years to self-critical reviews of messaging and campaigning. How will Harris do, and how will the media respond?

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Like Governor Walz says, “He’s theirs now.”(I really admire Walz BTW. I always hope some MN political wisdom can flow down into Iowa.)

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I heard Walz speak last summer here in DSM. Impressive. Down to earth. Likeable.

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Mark Kelly was my first thought for the very same reasons. The collective US would not support two women or two people of color as President and Vice President in my opinion. I don't like that collective "sub rosa," but it is what it is. Accepting reality is the path to winning when timelines are short.

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Agree, Sharon. I don’t like it either, but see what I just wrote in reply to Andrea.

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Kelly's great but I think Gen. Mark Milley would be better.

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Ken, interesting. Tell me why.

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He and Kelly have different trajectories. Kelly was a fighter pilot, astronaut and Senator but are those the credentials necessary to round out Harris' administration? I'm thinking not. I'm thinking Milley's more suited due to his command experience and international stature. He can walk onto any stage, have instant credibility, and people will stop and listen. I also believe he'll appeal to a wider range of voters.

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Also think that coming directly from the military makes him a wildcard for which the GOP has no Plan B. The media frenzy that would ensue would take all eyes off Trump, his ear and the GOP for probably the next 3 months. Plus, the guy would so totally OWN JD Vance. Priceless.

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Makes a lot of sense! I just think having election experience can make a difference in a winning campaign. But I do t disagree Milley would be an asset.

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"Kudos to Joe Biden. What a selfless, courageous act." Hardly!

While the only hopeful outcome eventually appeared it required a united and sustained front of legislators, donors, chieftains and poll results to force him out. This is the polar opposite from Lyndon Johnson's principled 1968 decision to step aside in the depths of the Viet Nam war; Johnson's decision was his alone and he did not inform even his closest advisors of his intentions.

While Biden certainly deserves credit for his many accomplishments and service including much of his current term his late-term keepers and the D's should reap scorn for placing the party in such disorganized straits at such a late date. Nothing "selfless" nor "courageous" at any level here and the best that can be said of Joe over the last few months is his efforts to remain in contention reflect his disabilities. All others display desperation.

That said, I am confident this wonderful American will be remembered for the first 49 years, not the last few months.

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Can’t disagree with any of that, Bob. Biden’s slippage HAD to be noticed by those around him. Being first to shout the emperor has no clothes on is not an easy thing to do, I imagine, in the rarified air of the West Wing.

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