Thank you for this update. In today’s world in which emotions and prejudices often override facts and documentation, I seriously wonder whether the outcome of this will have significance to Fox viewers. But that opinion is my opinion!

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That’s indeed the question. Will loyal viewers wise up? Or are they watching just to feel good about their politics? If it’s the latter, these revelations may not matter. And that is a sad commentary on our society.

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I would like to think that this lawsuit would make Fox viewers reflect a bit about the quality of the "news" they get, but I'm afraid they no longer have that ability and simply accept what Fox dishes out.

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Hope not but you’re probably right.

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Thank you

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Your analysis is compelling. But if Hannity and Carlson simply describe these reports of the litigation as "fake news," I think Fox viewers will ignore those reports.

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This sums it up: One Fox News executive telling another “It’s remarkable how weak ratings make good journalists do bad things.”

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The quote from the Fox executive about how bad ratings make good journalists do bad things is curious. When the ratings were good prime time at Fox was a lie machine. It has been a lie machine from its inception. It was designed as a lie machine that had no respect whatsoever for the viewers. Jon Stewart always described it as "Bulls*&t Mountain". That's a perfect description of what was going on and is still going on at Fox.

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Excellent point. But that’s their rationalization from their perspective.

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Well researched and presented. Also, by stating the obvious about journalistic integrity, you hint at a current divide in professional standards. Viz., doublespeak is now a marketable alternative to research.

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Thank you Dave. I haven’t watched any of the cable news networks in years precisely because of the spin and lies. And this practice explains why a recent report by Gallup and Knight shows that the public’s trust of media is at an all-time low.


Our local media, on the other hand, do a good job. And they should be proud of their work and so should their viewers. Unfortunately, too many in this craft are stained with a broad brush by the egregious conduct like Fox News.

First Amendment rights also require responsibility. I hope Dominion Voting Systems prevails.

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My Iowa State journalism profs Ed Blinn, Bill Kunnerth et al are turning over in their graves. Journalistic treason.

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Times have changed, and not always for the better. I, too, am “old school.”

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Nice piece. I hope you are right. However, Fox's main goal was always to be disruptive. You don't need credibility to be disruptive, e.g., Trump, MTG, Boebert, Cruz, Gaetz, Goemert, ad nauseum.

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Outstanding piece. It’s probably too much to expect Fox News viewers to dig deep and ask themselves “who profits from feeding me all this crap?” But I can hope.

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John, I read elsewhere that the top advertiser on Tucker Carlson’s show is the pillow guy, who also gets interviewed on the program. Pretty much says it all.

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Thank you, Dave for your insightful article. To many of our citizens have been influenced in their political and social beliefs by Fox News and their minion broadcasters. I call them broadcasters because they broadcast untruths to spread such lies and disinformation to the audience that they have tapped into. They propagate division and disunity. They are the farthest thing from journalists and should not ever be referred to as such. I appreciate you Dave, as a professional journalist who strives to bring truth and logical perspectives to your readers.

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Thanks, Bob.

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Thank you for this. Hopefully integrity wins out, but my gut says people are listening to what they want to hear.

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Probably so, Julie. Nice to hear from you.

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