I would like to believe no lawyer would represent Mr. Trump in a case against the Register and Ms. Selzer, but I know better. Great column.

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Since the suit has now been filed in Iowa, it’ll be interesting to see who represents him.

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Not sure about all the legalities involved, but it would not surprise me one bit if our esteemed State Attorney General (or others in our governor's orbit) were to represent Trump.

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Well done Dave! Don’t capitulate. We have to resist at every opportunity if we want to have a semblance of democracy to reassemble post Trump.

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As always, an excellent, thorough and balanced perspective on a critically serious issue. Painful to read, but essential to face the stark realities of what the Republican administration will do over the next four years.

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My wife and I have been discussing the chilling effect this settlement will have on the media. As someone who taught media law, I can’t imagine Trump would have prevailed. Libel suits are very expensive to defend. Perhaps ABC thought settling would be cheaper than pursuing the case? (I don’t think it would have been.)

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That would be a lot of lawyer time, Cliff. And it’s hard to believe a jury would have found this one statement would have harmed Trump’s reputation to the tune of $15 million. So we have to assume they just wanted it to go away and not be hanging over efforts to cover the new administration.

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maybe ABC wanted to get out of the media of all kinds so it dies on the vine and less John Q. Public see it!

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It is clear to me that Trump wants to continue intimidating the press. In the near future, every editor is going to pause when there is an opinion article critical of Trump and wonder if its worth running for fear of a costly lawsuit. And going after Selzer is convenient; pollsters will now be wary of reporting any negative results they might uncover in their work. As for the courts, Trump conveniently has stacked the deck so a legal ruling that might have occurred in 1975 or 2000 now teeters on MAGA judges who owe the great Donald their very existence. My Iowa State journalism professors are turning over in their graves as every day I feel closer and closer to life in Moscow.

Yes, I'm angry and frustrated. Three-quarters of this country doesn't follow the news (and many of those watch Fox...aka State TV). They vote for this guy to lower the cost of eggs and he rips apart the institutional fabric of the country. And then says getting grocery prices down will be "hard". Oh really?

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Damn good reason more and more of John Q. Public are fed up with major media. Fed up with what it's gotten to be, not reporting just slanting to what they want. Look how the present sitting president is setting a record of possibly being the biggest loser and not much attention to it from major media.

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Do: biggest loser? Please inform

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Maybe a slightly poor choice of words for description. He's done almost nothing on immigration (cost Harris a lot of votes), said he wouldn't pardon his son (know how that turned out), setting record of commuting vile people, ordered hauling off building materials meant for The Wall (laid there since Trump was President before)to be sold at government auction ( cause Trump problems and waste taxpayers money), has had very little respect from the rest of the world.

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Does ABC think that paying Trump off now will make their reporting easier in the coming years? And I can't imagine a Trump "library"...i doubt he's ever stepped into one. Pretty sure Trump Univ didn't have one.

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Tim, I assume Trump, of all people, WILL want some monument to his greatness.

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Can't prove it, but firmly believe the Selzer miscue more likely promoted more Trump turnout than for Harris--chipped away at MAGA over-confidence and enhanced the margin of victory.

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👍lots of good comments…a thoughtful column!

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Well, he did it.

Trump files suit against Iowa pollster Anne Selzer and Des Moines Register newspaper


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Good comments in that story from experts who think he’s unlikely to prevail. Perhaps a judge will dismiss it early in the process before it costs the Register and Selzer an arm and a leg in legal bills. False advertising? Give me a break.

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Another excellent column, Dave. There's so much to think about here. It's troubling and terrifying.

I just don't know how good journalists will be able to do their jobs with Trump's legal threats looming over their heads.

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Well, one suggestion is - don’t settle!

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I, like many others I feel in these times, are tired of the slant of media pushing their own agenda. Stephonopulous knew damn well what he as doing the way he conducted the interview and he was supported by ABC in my opinion. WE older people remember unbiased fair reporting. Yes editorials could be what they are, a person's opinion. I hope Trump kicks 60 Minutes butt for the altering the Harris disaster.

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Scary great perspective. If Trump again believes that someone should be held accountable for knowingly mispresenting the truth to gain something (such as alleging the Register & Ann Selzer intentionally had poll data publicized to hurt his election), then is Trump (again) speaking in front of a mirror? Hold him accountable for intentional fraud in election interference in his campaign promises regarding the Mexican border wall (paid by Mexico) and now the promises to immediately bring down grocery prices-which he now admits he can't do. He knew both campaign promises (and many others) were never going to happen, and that's election interference in his view.

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Thank you Dave. Your final point is significant - no matter the outcome, these frivolous Trump lawsuits divert media resources (time, money, personnel) away from reporting on real news that might include him. He skates away with unnoticed grift.

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Such an ominous trend regarding press freedom. Thank you!

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Mike Giudicessi can come out of retirement and help Selzer counter-sue for abuse of process or frivolous litigation. Under Iowa Code § 619.19, courts can impose sanctions for frivolous litigation. If a party is found to be filing lawsuits primarily to harass, delay, or increase litigation costs, they may face penalties

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On an unrelated topic, do you find it interesting that an incident on DsM's north side is described, barely 24 hours after it happened, as a "murder/suicide", but nearly 2 weeks after the death of a prominent couple in Osceola the media (police?) says nothing? Is there a double standard for friends of the governor?

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Bob, good question. It could be the difference between a smaller town police department, and a big city PD with an experienced spokesperson who deals with this stuff all the time. The Osceola chief has been pretty open about the Kimball case but I imagine with such a prominent couple in that town, he’s just being cautious and making sure the details are nailed down before saying too much.

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