Welcome! I’m glad you’re here.
What’s this column about?
Discerning news consumers will gain insights into the news media, and particularly the intersection between media and politics. You’ll get a look behind the scenes of today’s newsrooms. What motivates journalists? What obstacles get in the way of quality journalism? What can be done to improve journalism and, I hope, improve news consumers’ ability to be better-informed voters?
What you can expect
I aim to write a column once per week. Occasionally, you might get two if the news warrants it. You will not get a flood of emails from me.
What subscribers will get
Free subscribers will get the weekly email and the ability to comment on the column. I welcome all feedback and discussion!
Paid subscribers not only encourage me to keep doing this work, but also support the Iowa Freedom of Information Council, where I donate all proceeds. The FOI Council is a non-profit that fights for open records and open meetings. Paid subscribers also gain access to a monthly Office Lounge zoom call with Iowa Writers’ Collaborative authors and readers to discuss issues. It happens from noon to 1 pm on the last Friday of the month.
Who I am
I spent 43 years in Iowa radio and TV newsrooms as a reporter, anchor and the last 30 years as a news manager at KCCI-TV, the CBS affiliate in Des Moines. I was a political reporter for many years and as a news manager, organized our station’s political coverage of the Iowa caucuses, arranged political debates and covered hundreds of campaigns.
I started writing this column in 2022 and have really enjoyed helping readers understand media issues.
Some reader feedback:
“Holy cow! This is so eye-opening!”
“Great insight”
“First I’ve heard of this. Who knew?”
Again, welcome and thanks for joining a group of smart, savvy news consumers!