Journalism and politics: where’s the line?
What can journalists do in their personal lives and what should they avoid?
A TV news director in North Platte, Nebraska was fired last week for getting too involved in politics. It raises good questions about journalism and politics. What can a journalist do in his or her personal life? What rights do they give up? And, what is over the line?
Press reports say Melanie Standiford was fired as news director and anchor at KNOP-TV in North Platte after collecting signatures on a petition calling for her hometown to become a sanctuary city for the unborn. The petition, one of several similar ones in Nebraska, calls for the issue to be on the ballot in November. According to local press reports, Standiford agreed to collect petitions at her church. When her bosses found out about it from a newspaper story, they fired her immediately, saying news personnel “are not permitted, at any time and regardless of beliefs, to actively engage in any political activity for any candidate, party or ballot initiative.”
Standiford told the newspaper she is pro-life but has always reported on the issue fairly.
So where’s the line? I’ve known reporters who refused to vote for fear that the process of deciding on candidates would interfere with their ability to report fairly. In my career, I willingly gave up things most Americans are free to do, like making political contributions, signing petitions or attending rallies. Voting, however, is a private act and in my view an important part of being American. I always voted.
But my wife will tell you I drew a bright white line on any other political activity. She had a career in politics as a candidate and school board member. While our neighbors planted her campaign yard signs, our own yard was empty. Her family photo on campaign literature showed only her and our three kids, not me. She sometimes rolled her eyes at my rules, but she also respected them. I wanted to stay so far away from the line that no one could accuse me of crossing it. To be sure, each journalist may draw the line in a different place. There’s a lot of gray area but the Nebraska news director clearly stepped over the line.
The New York Times now adds a box to political stories explaining “How Times reporters cover politics.” It reads, in part, “So while Times reporters may vote, they are not allowed to endorse or campaign for candidates or political causes.” The policy further bans campaign contributions and participating in rallies. Not only is this a wise ethical policy, it’s a good thing for the Times to prominently feature the policy for readers, rather than assume they know it, especially in this highly-politicized era.
For most journalists, the rules are clear but sometimes questions arise. We always encouraged staff to get involved in their community but to let us know if any red flags popped up. Is it okay to volunteer on a church board? Is it okay to be in a video for the United Way? Often, the answer is “it depends.” But the rule was “no surprises.” If a staff member had any question about their involvement, it’s important to talk to managers so we could weigh in beforehand.
For news consumers this should be reassuring that there are newsrooms with clear ethical standards and you can trust them to enforce the rules.
For the fired TV news director in Nebraska, it appears the red flag never popped up in her mind, or she ignored it. She should have talked it over with her boss before collecting one signature. The station is owned by a large company with more than 100 TV stations nationwide. They’re not going to let their ethical standard be dented when a journalist crosses the line. Her dismissal sends a clear message to its thousands of other journalists: stay so far way from the line you can’t be accused of crossing it. And if you don’t know where the line is, talk to your manager before that red flag becomes a red mark on your career.
I would allow a reporter to engage in that kind of political activism, but I wouldn't assign her to cover any abortion-related stories. If it couldn't be avoided I would require an on-air disclosure that she collected signatures for that initiative.
I’ve practiced and taught broadcast journalism both in the USA and in Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America for more than 30 years.
Of course, the news director should have been fired. As I repeatedly told journalism students and broadcasters here and abroad, ethical journalists have no private lives. They represent their news organization—whether they like it or not—24 hours a day; seven days a week.
That is one reason I dislike the current policy of many journalists posting blogs—either required by their news organizations or voluntarily on their own. Once you express your opinion on any topic, you’ve lost your credibility as a trusted source of news.
My own political practices were the same as described by Dave. I never said either in classes or workshops what my ideological orientation was. And I did vote but never participated in any other political activity.
Now in retirement, I do pen an occasional commentary on my personal blog. But my wife and I steer clear of controversial conversations with friends who have different perspectives. Their friendship is far more important than political differences.